This is Halloween!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!!!

Ahh yes! Halloween is my most favorite holiday of them all. I love the drama, fright and fun of it. Best of all the costume’s! I look at Halloween as chance to bring out your inner deviant self for the evening. If that you don’t have a deviant then maybe your inner  sexy vamp, celestial fairy or a whimsical witch perhaps?

It’s a time for fun and your décor should reflect your mood. Weather your more on the traditional orange and black side, moody gothic, or love all the colorfully nostalgic charm of the old world. I’m sure you can take some inspiration from the images below and come up with your own personal Hip Halloween Style.


Victorian Goth

Nostalgic Charm

My favorite Halloween costume with Isabelle over the years

 Halloween 2011

Isabelle as Corpse Bride last year. I made the costume in one evening with a pair of white tights, unitard, a curtain, flowers, fabric spray paint, artist chalk and off I went creating! She was very happy with it. I went as the widow spider who helps her out.

Halloween 2005,( I think…)

Isabelle as Mulan when she was about 5 years old. I just started design school, so I still had some time on my hands to make her costumes. What am I saying? I have created a monster over the years and now store-bought costumes just won’t do…LOL

Anyway, I made the coat and obi belt. I still have it in her closet even though it does not fit. I love this picture so much that I will Photoshop the skeleton out of the background and have this printed on canvas for my entry way. I am not big into cheesy family photo’s unless they artfully done. HEy, I think I just came up with my next topic.

“Ya’ll have a safe and Happy Halloween out there ya hear”

Image Sources:


Trends Magazine

Good House Keeping Magazine

Martha Stewart

Pink Door Designs